since 25 years

Innovative technologies:

COLIBRI technology is based on volumetric dosing, which means weighing without scales!

With the CONTEXA solution, it is now possible to accurately dose several liquid raw materials simultaneously, directly into the final container, without having to weigh each ingredient individually on a scale.

The aim of this innovation is to remove the main constraint of dosing, namely the scales, and thus to simplify the formula composition process by saving time and reducing the risk of human error associated with the separate operation of each substance.
Origin of the idea: from weight to volume
A former engineer in the F&F industry, Daniel Schupbach had the vision of revolutionising the way liquids are dosed for the manufacture of industrial perfumes and food flavourings. Indeed, it is a long and risky creative and/or production process: to create a fragrance or flavour, between 30 and 50 ingredients have to be mixed from a palette of around 1,500 available raw materials.
For the same formulation, several types of scales are needed to weigh gravimetrically very different weights. To dose a few mg you need a high precision scale. Such scale is not suitable to dose 50 kg.

To improve the performance of this creation or production stage, Daniel has developed a disruptive automation system based on his volumetric technology, called COLIBRI, which uses independent, autonomous syringes and eliminated the need for scales. It enables products to be dosed simultaneously into the final tank, thereby limiting recombinations.
How does volumetric dosing work?  
Our technology uses syringes whose piston movement is automated (motorised). All syringes are independent of each other, so that all ingredients can be dosed simultaneously! 
At start-up, the robot automatically calibrates each syringe with the raw material to which it is connected in order to determine its density (density calibration).
The weight to be dosed in grams can then be converted into an ultra-precise movement of the syringe plunger. The Smart Sensor, a proprietary sensor developed by CONTEXA, is built into each syringe. It compensates for variations in temperature and detects the presence of any air bubbles to maintain constant dosing accuracy.   

The volumetric dosing system
developed by CONTEXA
is the new standard in the industry

COLIBRI, a technology that combines reactivity and high precision

Our industrial device caters to both creative center teams and industrial production. CONTEXA has developed several sizes of syringes that cover a wide range of dosages, from a drop to tens of kilograms.
Thanks to volumetric and simultaneous dosing, the robots dose all ingredients independently and simultaneously. Volumetric dosing guarantees an agile, fast and responsive production process. Its immediate production capacity, particularly during demand peaks, ensures reduced time-to-market. This high level of production availability means that we can offer our customers more competitive service times.
A new production standard
Since 2013, the volumetric and simultaneous technology invented by CONTEXA has revolutionised the dosing methodology used by fragrance and flavour producers. It has been adopted by the various players in the sector at both creation and production centres. More than 30,000 syringes are now in use worldwide. 

COLIBRI LITE, a simplified version
of the volumetric technology   

To mark COLIBRI’s 10th anniversary, CONTEXA introduces a simpler, more accessible and more compact derivative technology called COLIBRI LITE. It takes the form of a syringe featuring volumetric technology: the volume of liquid for each ingredient is known, thanks to the calibrated syringe, providing all the benefits of rapid, efficient and accurate dosing. A scale is only used at the final control stage.

This new technology can be integrated into CC-PERFORM solutions to complement the COLIBRI simultaneous dosing and increase automation for less frequently used ingredients, as well as into CP-START solutions as a first step towards automation.

TEX, a technology dedicated
to larger volumes

TEX technology consists of valves that quickly and accurately dose the largest volumes (300 grams to hundreds of kilos). This highly compact equipment is easy to integrate into our customers' production: the valves are arranged in groups of 60 on a surface area of just 1 . The technology is very fast and precise.

In fact, the valve is calibrated so that dosing is carried out continuously with a single scale reading, unlike standard valves - which limits errors and optimises time.
Finally, it has an advanced system to prevent cross-contamination.
CONTEXA robots are modular and can be combined to accommodate ambient, hot and cold ingredients. These three different module types are ATEX and IECEx certified.
Case study
The hot module with COLIBRI technology maintains syringes at a temperature of up to 45° Celsius. It can be used to dose most viscous ingredients. The temperature can be regulated using water oran independent integrated system. The module also incorporates its own stock.  
S / M / L conveyors can work together in the same CONTEXA Production solution. They are adapted to each customer's needs: conveyor S is designed for beakers, conveyor M for pots and conveyor L for tanks. Their layout and length can be adapted to suit space requirements.
Case study:
The modularity of the L conveyor - a one-metre linear and rotating segment - means that it can be adapted into a U shape to fit in with the plant - bypassing civil engineering elements for optimum flow. It can also be upgraded with loading and unloading positions for the various tanks.