Legal informations

Privacy Policy

The website (hereinafter the "Site") is owned and operated by CONTEXA SA (hereinafter "CONTEXA"), which designs, studies and manufactures machines for the perfume, aroma, paint and ink industries, as well as advising customers in these fields. CONTEXA can be contacted by e-mail at the following address:

Users of the website (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") are hereby informed of the privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy") implemented on the Site, i.e. the terms and conditions governing the collection and processing of personal data by CONTEXA SA, when such data is obtained during use of the Site. Personal data is any data designating information that may relate to a natural person who is identified or identifiable directly or indirectly (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Data").

The Privacy Policy does not apply to the processing of Personal Data carried out by any means other than theSite and in particular within the framework of legal services provided by CONTEXA SA for its clients.


The person responsible for processing Personal Data collected via the Site is CONTEXA SA. CONTEXA SA can be contacted at the following address: The Site does not collect any personal data via forms or other similar functionalities. The Site uses cookies, in accordance with the Cookie Management Policy.


When browsing the Site, cookies, pixels and other tracers (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Cookies") may be deposited on the User's browser. A Cookie is a small file, often encrypted, stored in the browser and identified by a name. It is deposited when a website is consulted. The deposit of Cookies may enable CONTEXA to access browsing data and/or personal data concerning Users. CONTEXA treats Cookies in a totally anonymous manner, does not link them to any information enabling the User to be identified, and does not pass them on to third parties.

Which Cookies may be used by CONTEXA?

CONTEXA uses the following Cookies:

- Technical cookies: These cookies are strictly necessary for using the Site.

- Analysis and performance cookies: These cookies enable us to recognize and count the number of visitors to the Site, and to collect information on how the Site is used.

- Functionality cookies: These cookies are used to recognize Users, and to offer personalized functionalities and save preferences (such as language selection).

- Social network cookies: These cookies, issued by third parties, enable the User to share the content of the Site with other people on social networks ("LinkedIn").

Contact:For any questions relating to the present Cookie management policy, the User may contact CONTEXA by sending an email to the following address:


CONTEXA may be required to modify the Privacy Policy. Users will be informed of any substantial changes by a special notice on the Site.