Legal informations

General Terms & Conditions

Issue date: April 02, 2024

The website (here in after the "Website") is owned and operated by CONTEXA SA(here in after "CONTEXA"), a Swiss-based asset management and advisory company managing collective investment schemes; the company does not accept deposits or hold securities on behalf of its clients.

CONTEXA can be contacted by email on:  

Description of the Website

The Website aims to inform any person using it (here in after the"User") in connexion with the services offered by de CONTEXA.

Acceptance of the Terms of Use

The purpose of these General terms and conditions of use (hereinafter"Terms of Use") is to define the legal terms and conditions on the basis of which CONTEXA allows the User to access and use the Website. By accessing, browsing or otherwise using the Website, the User acknowledges that he/she has read and understood these Terms of Use and agrees to be bound by them and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. The User warrants that he/she has the legal capacity to accept these Terms of Use. If the User does not agree with these Terms of Use, he/she must immediately stop accessing and/or using the Website.

These Terms of Use are translated into English for information purposes only. In case of conflict, the French version shall prevail.

CONTEXA reserves the right to make any changes to these Terms of Use, at its sole and absolute discretion. Continued use of the Website, whether or not having expressly accepted the new Terms of Use, shall constitute acceptance. If the User does not agree to such changes, he/she will have no right to obtain in formation or access the Website, and shall immediately cease using it. The User is responsible for regularly checking these Terms of Use in their current version. These Terms of Use may be consulted at any time on the Website.

1.   Privacy

By using the Website, the User agrees that CONTEXA may collect, process and use personal data relating to him/her. Such information collected through theWebsite shall only be used in accordance with the Privacy Policy, the terms of which form an integral part of these Terms of Use.

2.   User obligations

The User is entitled to use the Website only in accordance with the Swiss laws and any other law that may apply to him/her. The User may only make legal use of the Website. Any illegal or inappropriate use of the Website is excluded.

In particular, the User agrees not to do any of the following in connection with the use of the Website:

- Upload, post, transmit, distribute or otherwise make available any material that contains software viruses or any other program that may harm the Website or the interests and property of Users or CONTEXA

- Copy, modify or distribute the rights or contents of the Website in any way.

- Use any content or information of the Website to compete with de CONTEXA

- Commercialise any code or information or software associated with the Website.

- Use the Website in any way which, in the sole discretion of CONTEXA, is undesirable, illegal, inappropriate or which restricts or inhibits any other person from using the Website, or which may harm or incur the liability of CONTEXA or its Users.

- Use or attempt to use a third party’s account or create a false identity.

- Facilitate or assist another person to do any of the above acts.

3.   Intellectual property rights

Intellectual property rights, such as logos, designs, photographs, domain names, website structure, graphic charter and any other proprietary rights on the content available on the Website are the exclusive property of CONTEXA or its licensors. This includes the rights to all software associated with the Website. The provisions of these Terms of Use do not constitute a transfer of any intellectual property rights. Any total or partial reproduction of the Website is strictly prohibited.

4.   Licence

CONTEXA grants the User a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable worldwide license to use the Website for the User's personal, non-commercial use, and to display the content of the Website on the User's computer screen or any other device (including smartphones or tablets), provided that the User complies with these Terms of Use. Any other use is excluded without the prior written consent of CONTEXA.

5.   Security

Users are aware of the risks associated with the use of the Internet. CONTEXA takes the usual security measures in this regard.

6.   Limitation of liability

Within the limits of the law, CONTEXA excludes all warranties and liability in connection with or arising from the Website.

In particular, CONTEXA does not give any warranty in relation with any information published or available on the Website, whether as to its availability, accuracy or conformity with the law. CONTEXA does not guarantee that the Website will be available at all times and expressly reserves the right to cease its operation without notice.

CONTEXA shall not be liable for any damage whatsoever, including loss of income or data, suffered by a User or third party, resulting from an act of CONTEXA or a third party.

7.   Transfer

Users may not transfer any of their rights or obligations under these Terms of Use without the prior written consent of CONTEXA.

CONTEXA may transfer all of its rights and obligations under these Terms ofUse without the User's prior written consent, including any personal data, in order to ensure the continued use of the Website.

8.   Final provisions

If any provision of these Terms of Use should be invalidated by a court or competent authority, only that provision will be limited, to the least extent possible, and the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.

These Terms of Use, as well as all matters arising out of, or in connection with, those (including non-contractual disputes or claims and their interpretation) shall be governed by Swiss laws, with the exception of the conflict of law rules.

Any claim or dispute in relation to these Terms of Use (including non-contractual claims or disputes and their interpretation) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Geneva, Switzerland.