Contexa Production Start+


A first stage that adapts to production growth changes

The CP-START+ dosing solution combines two CONTEXA technologies: COLIBRI LITE - a simple, accessible and compact volumetric technology - and TEX. This technology consists of valves that dose large volumes (300 grams to hundreds of kilograms) quickly and precisely.
The valve is calibrated to ensure continuous dosing with a single scale reading, unlike standard valves - reducing errors and optimising time. Finally, it features an advanced system to prevent cross-contamination.

The CP-START+ machine, specifically designed for factories, stands out for its modular installation, offering remarkable adaptability to various industrial spaces. It also streamlines the operator's work by enabling suppliers’ packagings to be connected directly to the robot, thus reducing waste.

This production dosing solution is highly scalable, and can be transformed into CP-PERFORM and CP-BOOST to support your growth while avoiding recombinations. For optimal performance, we recommend continuous process support via our Life Cycle service.

Finally, we offer the automatic integration of our CTX MOTION software for an even more efficient and optimised process management.


Technical specifications

Performance: 500+ pours per hour
Productivity: 12+ formulas per hour
Smallest dosage: one drop

Type of technology: advanced gravimetric and volumetric
Names of CONTEXA technology: TEX and COLIBRI LITE

Footprint: from 4 sqm for 260 raw materials
Maximum batch size: 1 500 kg
Conveyor capacity: customisable 

Customisable: ++

We provide a range of options for customising your machines 

CTX Trace software
Life Cycle Services
Hot / Cold modules
Nitrogen blanketing
Several modules powered by TEX or COLIBRI LITE
Beakers / Vessels: several types available
More dosing solutions


First dosing automation for large volumes


Up to 50 kilos in just a few minutes in the final container


Unrivalled production efficiency: a composition every 3 to 5 minutes